Frequently Asked Questions

What is Therapeutic Massage?

I consider Therapeutic Massage to be a process of healing the physical body through increased awareness. A client may come with in with specific goals to reduce pain chronic or acute, with a diagnosis or condition, or an overall desire to feel less stressed. Whatever the goals of the client, it is a process of gaining understanding, education and awareness of the whole person and the patterns that have been created in the body. I am the facilitator of that process. The client’s “problem area/s” will get their fair share of attention but connections to other areas will also be made that often help illuminate the deeper roots and help create more sustainable relief and healing.

What clothing do I keep on or take off?

Undress to your comfort! Frequently clients choose to disrobe and are covered by a sheet and a blanket. I undrape only the part of the body that I am working on and use Grapeseed or Jojoba oil. I am also comfortable working over sheets and clothes, without oil.The table has the option of being heated for your comfort.

How does tipping work?

I build the price as the price. However, I will never refuse a client if they feel very strongly about tipping. Often it takes more than one session to determine how much this work can help. I prefer a client keeps the money they would use for tip to use towards a subsequent session in order to help reach their therapeutic goals. Lastly, tipping once does not obligate you to tip in the future.